
Просмотр полной версии : [Прочее] Postal 2 скрипты написаны на Pawn :D лол кто знал?

09.07.2017, 23:00
Шастал по попке postal 2 для меня легенда а не игра. Нашел всякие скрипты написанные на павн. Вот как раньше писали код/ лесенкой как и сейчас как и везде в принципе. Вообщем мб что-то кто для себя найдет по поводу написания своего мода в гташке. Раритетный код 2002 года :D

// SceneManager
// Manages a matinee scene. Contains a list of action items that will
// be played out in order.
class SceneManager extends Info

#exec Texture Import File=Textures\SceneManager.pcx Name=S_SceneManager Mips=Off

// Graphics for UI
#exec Texture Import File=Textures\S_MatineeIP.pcx Name=S_MatineeIP Mips=Off MASKED=1
#exec Texture Import File=Textures\S_MatineeIPSel.pcx Name=S_MatineeIPSel Mips=Off MASKED=1
#exec Texture Import File=Textures\S_MatineeTimeMarker.pcx Name=S_MatineeTimeMarker Mips=Off MASKED=1
#exec Texture Import File=Textures\ActionCamMove.pcx Name=S_ActionCamMove Mips=Off
#exec Texture Import File=Textures\ActionCamPause.pcx Name=S_ActionCamPause Mips=Off
#exec Texture Import File=Textures\PathLinear.pcx Name=S_PathLinear Mips=Off MASKED=1
#exec Texture Import File=Textures\PathBezier.pcx Name=S_PathBezier Mips=Off MASKED=1
#exec Texture Import File=Textures\S_BezierHandle.pcx Name=S_BezierHandle Mips=Off MASKED=1
#exec Texture Import File=Textures\SubActionIndicator.pcx Name=SubActionIndicator Mips=Off MASKED=1

struct Orientation
var() ECamOrientation CamOrientation;
var() actor LookAt;
// RWS CHANGE: add support for looking at a tag (so we can look at spawned actors)
var() Name LookAtTag;
// RWS CHANGE: add support for looking at a tag (so we can look at spawned actors)
var() float EaseIntime;
var() int bReversePitch;
var() int bReverseYaw;
var() int bReverseRoll;

var int MA;
var float PctInStart, PctInEnd, PctInDuration;
var rotator StartingRotation;

struct Interpolator
var() int bDone;
var() float _value;
var() float _remainingTime;
var() float _totalTime;
var() float _speed;
var() float _acceleration;

// Exposed vars
var() export editinline array<MatAction> Actions;
var() config enum EAffect
} Affect;
var() Actor AffectedActor; // The name of the actor which will follow the matinee path (if Affect==AFFECT_Actor)
var() bool bLooping; // If this is TRUE, the path will looping endlessly
var() bool bCinematicView; // Should the screen go into letterbox mode when playing this scene?
var() name PlayerScriptTag; // Tag of sequence that player's pawn should use during sequence
var() name NextSceneTag; // The tag of the next scenemanager to execute when this one finishes
// RWS CHANGE - add flag to determine whether player can skip this scene
var() bool bLetPlayerSkip;
// RWS CHANGE - add this so we can avoid unwanted screen updates between two scenes
var() Pawn PrecedingScenesPawn;

// These vars are set by the SceneManager in it's Tick function. Don't mess with them directly.
var transient float PctSceneComplete; // How much of the scene has finished running
var transient mataction CurrentAction; // The currently executing action
var transient float SceneSpeed;
var transient float TotalSceneTime; // The total time the scene will take to run (in seconds)
var transient Actor Viewer; // The actor viewing this scene (the one being affected by the actions)
var transient Pawn OldPawn; // The pawn we need to repossess when scene is over
var transient bool bIsRunning; // If TRUE, this scene is executing.
var transient bool bIsSceneStarted; // If TRUE, the scene has been initialized and is running
var transient float CurrentTime; // Keeps track of the current time using the DeltaTime passed to Tick
var transient array<vector> SampleLocations; // Sampled locations for camera movement
var transient array<MatSubAction> SubActions; // The list of sub actions which will execute during this scene
var transient Orientation CamOrientation; // The current camera orientation
var transient Orientation PrevOrientation; // The previous orientation that was set
var transient Interpolator RotInterpolator; // Interpolation helper for rotations
var transient vector CameraShake; // The SubActionCameraShake effect fills this var in each frame
var transient vector DollyOffset; // How far away we are from the actor we are locked to

// Native functions
native function float GetTotalSceneTime();

simulated function BeginPlay()

if( Affect == AFFECT_Actor && AffectedActor == None )
log(self @ "BeginPlayer(): Affected actor is NULL!" );

// Misc set up

TotalSceneTime = GetTotalSceneTime();
bIsRunning = false;
bIsSceneStarted = false;

event PostLoadGame()
// Get things back to where they'd be after a normal level start

function Trigger( actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )
bIsRunning = true;
bIsSceneStarted = false;
Disable( 'Trigger' );

// Events
event SceneStarted() // Called from C++ when the scene starts.
local Controller P;
local AIScript S;

// Helpful log message
Log(self @ "SceneStarted(): Tag='"$Tag$"' PlayerScriptTag='"$PlayerScriptTag$"' PrecedingScenesPawn="$PrecedingScenesPawn);

// Figure out who our viewer is.
Viewer = None;
if( Affect==AFFECT_Actor )
Viewer = AffectedActor;
for( P = Level.ControllerList ; P != None ; P = P.nextController )
if( P.IsA('PlayerController') )
Viewer = P;
// RWS CHANGE: If there was a preceding scene then use it's pawn
if ( PrecedingScenesPawn != None)
OldPawn = PrecedingScenesPawn;
OldPawn = PlayerController(Viewer).Pawn;
if ( OldPawn != None )
OldPawn.Velocity = vect(0,0,0);
OldPawn.Acceleration = vect(0,0,0);
// RWS CHANGE: If there was no preceeding scene then do normal startup
if (PrecedingScenesPawn == None)
if ( PlayerScriptTag != 'None' )
ForEach DynamicActors( class'AIScript', S, PlayerScriptTag )
if ( S != None )
// RWS CHANGE: If there was no preceeding scene then do normal startup
if (PrecedingScenesPawn == None)
PlayerController(Viewer).MyHud.bHideHUD = true;

// RWS CHANGE: Always clear to prepare for next time
PrecedingScenesPawn = None;

event SceneEnded() // Called from C++ when the scene ends.
local SceneManager NextScene;

bIsSceneStarted = false;

// Implemented a workaround for the glitches that occurred when going directly
// from one scene into another scene or when looping the same scene. At the
// end of the fist scene the PlayerController would Possess the old pawn and
// at the start of the next scene it would UnPossess it. During that brief
// time when the PlayerController had control of the pawn, the screen would
// (somtimes) be updated with the player's first-person-view, resulting in an
// ugly glitch. To get around this, we check if another scene follows this one,
// and if so we save the pawn in the next scene's PrecedingScenesPawn and then
// we don't let the PlayerController possess the pawn, nor do we unhide the HUD,
// nor finish interpolation.
if ( Affect == AFFECT_ViewportCamera )
if (bLooping)
NextScene = self;
else if ( NextSceneTag != '' && NextSceneTag != 'None' )
ForEach DynamicActors( class 'SceneManager', NextScene, NextSceneTag )

// If there is a scene immediately following this one, pass the pawn to it and
// skip the normal end-of-scene stuff.
if (NextScene != None)
NextScene.PrecedingScenesPawn = OldPawn;
// Moved cleanup into separate function. See function for details.
Enable( 'Trigger' );

// Helpful log message
Log(self @ "SceneEnded(): Tag='"$Tag$"' NextSceneTag='"$NextSceneTag$"'");

// Call this function for each SceneManger before player travels to new level
function PreTravel()
if (bIsRunning)

// Moved cleanup stuff into this function so that it can be called before the
// player travels to a new level. Without doing this cleanup, the engine
// will crash because the player controller has no pawn.
function Cleanup()
local int SanityCheck;

Log(self @ "Cleanup()");
if( Affect==AFFECT_ViewportCamera )
if ( PlayerController(Viewer) != None )
if ( OldPawn != None )
// Tell the scripted controller to stop scripting. This is
// done as a loop because a scripted controller may give control
// to whatever controller had control before it did. That happens
// when one scene goes right into another, in which case nobody
// ever told all those controllers to stop scripting, so they
// just piled up. It's all one great big ugly hack, but hey, it
// seems to work. If we don't do this, then the scripted controller(s)
// will keep trying to perform more actions, which leads to very bad things.
while ( AIController(OldPawn.Controller) != None && SanityCheck < 10)
PlayerController(Viewer).Possess( OldPawn );
OldPawn = None;
PlayerController(Viewer).MyHud.bHideHUD = false;

09.07.2017, 23:13
лол, тут павн даже и не пахнет

09.07.2017, 23:16
это павн

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Хотя незнаю

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Пусть старшие ответят, они лучше знают

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Но похож на павн

09.07.2017, 23:19
это павн

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Хотя незнаю

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Пусть старшие ответят, они лучше знают

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Но похож на павн

павн, ахахаха, поорал

09.07.2017, 23:31
павн, ахахаха, поорал

а тогда чо за прога на котором это написано?

09.07.2017, 23:51
Даже близко на Pawn не похоже, в Portal 2 используется Squirrel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squirrel_(programming_language)).

09.07.2017, 23:52
скорее всего javascript, но не уверен

хотя уже ответили

09.07.2017, 23:57
Это postal 2 а не портал

10.07.2017, 00:39
Больше похоже на UnrealScript.

10.07.2017, 00:51
Так и есть, Postal 2 сделан на UnrealEngine.

10.07.2017, 12:20
Это postal 2 а не портал

Упс, мой косяк. Но отличие всего в одной букве, так что не удивительно :).

10.07.2017, 20:59
Так и есть, Postal 2 сделан на UnrealEngine.

+ unrealedit | на engine вроде это движок игры нет? а на unrealedit еб*шили скрипты.