PHP код:
Status (0 = offline, 1 = online, 2 = banned)
Last used IP
Password hash
Positon (XPos, YPos, ZPos)
Admin Level
VIP Level
Wanted Level
Last used skin
Times kicked
Times reported
Times Spawned
Register Date
BanReason (if banned)
Banned by (if banned)
Ban date (if banned)
60+ available commands:
PHP код:
COMMAND: define which will set the needed admin level:
/vips Not an admin command
/pay Not an admin command
/admins Not an admin command
/time Not an admin command
/pm Not an admin command
/stats Not an admin command
/report Not an admin command
/changepass Not an admin command
/togping LEVEL_togping
/reports LEVEL_reports
/spec LEVEL_spec
/onduty LEVEL_onduty (also affect cmd offduty)
/enable LEVEL_enable
/disable LEVEL_disable
/adminhelp LEVEL_adminhelp
/mytime LEVEL_mytime
/eject LEVEL_eject
/burn LEVEL_burn
/crash LEVEL_crash
/ip LEVEL_ip
/asay LEVEL_asay
/announce LEVEL_announce
/goto LEVEL_goto
/get LEVEL_get
/kick LEVEL_kick
/mute LEVEL_mute
/unmute LEVEL_unmute
/ban LEVEL_ban
/warn LEVEL_warn
/slap LEVEL_slap
/setadminlevel LEVEL_setadminlevel
/setviplevel LEVEL_setviplevel
/richlist LEVEL_richlist
/unfreeze LEVEL_unfreeze
/freeze LEVEL_freeze
/clearchat LEVEL_clearchat
/move LEVEL_move
/healall LEVEL_healall
/armourall LEVEL_armourall
/setallweather LEVEL_setallweather
/setalltime LEVEL_setalltime
/cashfall LEVEL_cashfall
/scorefall LEVEL_scorefall
/jail LEVEL_jail
/unjail LEVEL_unjail
/wanteds LEVEL_wanteds
/jailed LEVEL_jailed
/frozen LEVEL_frozen
/akill LEVEL_akill
/showguns LEVEL_showguns
/morning LEVEL_morning
/miniguns LEVEL_miniguns
/muted LEVEL_muted
/killall LEVEL_killall
/kickall LEVEL_kickall
/setallwanted LEVEL_setallwanted
/disarmall LEVEL_disarmall
/ejectall LEVEL_ejectall
/giveallweapon LEVEL_giveallweapon
/spawnveh LEVEL_spawnveh
/setmoney LEVEL_setallmoney
/setscore LEVEL_setscore
/setwanted LEVEL_setwanted
/sethealth LEVEL_sethealth
/setarmour LEVEL_setarmour
/aka LEVEL_aka
Script Settings:
PHP код:
setting: default: info:
SERVER_NAME "my awesome server name" your server name
MAX_ADMIN_LEVEL (10) Max. admin level
MAX_VIP_LEVEL (3) Max. VIP level
USE_AUTO_LOGIN (false) true = enable false = disable
MAX_WARNINGS (3) Max. Warnings before player gets kicked
MAX_REPORTS (10) max. reports
MAX_BAD_RCON_ATTEMPS (2) Max. bad rcon attemps
ENABLE_SPECATE (true) Enabling the specsystem
USE_PM_SYSTEM (true) Enabling the PM SYSTEM
MAX_FAIL_LOGINS (3) by exceed player gets kicked
MIN_PASS_LEN (3) min. password lengh
MAX_PASS_LEN (32) max. password lengh
USE_VIP_SYSTEM (true) true = enable false = disable
USE_CHAT_BUBBELS (true) true = enable false = disable
USE_ID_MESSAGES (true) eg.: "Mellnik(ID 42): Hello there!"
ENABLE_ADMIN_CHAT (true) true = enable false = disable
USE_RANDOM_MSGS (true) true = enable false = disable
RAND_MSG_INTERVAL (60) random messages interval in seconds
USE_ANTI_ADS (true) anti advertising true|false (anti ip in chat)
MAX_PING (350) max. allowed ping | only works if you enable
PINGCHECK_TIME (2) ping check interval in seconds
MAX_EXCEEDS (3) how many times it is allowed to exceed the ping limit
OPC_DELAY (4) if you set USE_OPC_DELAY to true, you change the delay until the checktimer for the player will be executed (no need to change this)
USE_OPC_DELAY (true) when a player connect he always has a high ping true= player will be checked after he connected (5 seconds) false= player will be checked immediately after he connected (not recommend)
IS_ADMIN_IMMUNE (true) is an admin immune against the ping kicker (true|false)
SEND_MSG_BYKICK (true) send a message to all when a player gets kicked cause of high ping (true|false)
SEND_ADM_BYEXCEED (true) send message to admin when player exceeds the ping limit (true|false)
SEND_PMSG_BYEXCEED (true) send a message to player when he exceeds the ping limit (true|false)
PRINT_BYKICK (true) print message in server logs when player gets kicked (true|false)
LOAD_PLAYER_POS (true) Should the player pos be be loaded by first spawn?
LOAD_PLAYER_HA (true) load player health and armour by login? (true|false|
NO_PERM "Insufficient permissions" this is the message which will be send to the player if he hasnt the needed adminlevel
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